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Monday wasn't a huge deal, but I DID get to meet two of the lovely ladies at YA Books Central, MG and Jen as well as Christina. I had been out to pick up a modem and router for my apartment and they were exploring the city, so we met up at my favorite tea place and chatted for a little while. All three of them are super lovely and I'm glad I had that time with them since we didn't get much chatting time during BEA.
Wednesday was a really big day for me. I got up early and moved as much as I could from the dorm to my apartment so I'd be there from 10-12 when the internet was supposed to be installed. I got a call about 10 minutes before 12 to confirm our appointment and the guy showed up half an hour later. Once he left, my roommate and I went back up to the dorm and packed up the rest of the stuff, checked out of the dorm, and returned to the apartment. I immediately dumped what I had and jumped in the shower, got dressed, and headed back out to the Jefferson Memorial Library.
At the signing after, we took turns managing lines and mingling with authors/each other. I waited until most people had cleared out to go through the lines myself and they were all lovely and funny. I stopped with Mari Mancusi (who was so sweet and had the coolest bookmarks), Sarah Maas (who knew me from twitter apparently), Cristin Terrill (who is super lovely and I also love her publicist, Lizzie), and Elizabeth Scott (she brought candy, guys. CANDY).
After, we all ate cake and laughed and it was awesome.
Thursday was the first actual day of BEA. I set my alarm for 7 so I could make it down there by 8 for the Harlequin Teen Breakfast...except I slept through my alarm and woke up at 8:30. By time I finished getting dressed and got down there, it was 9:30. Registration was super easy but, I'm still really sad I missed it.
Then, my day really started. Nicole had no real plans, so we wandered for a little bit. Then I ended up in line for These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner. Since it was their signing line, they both signed a copy for me and they recognized me from twitter. Every time this happened, I internally fangirled. Since their line was like eternal, I couldn't stay and chat.
I then went over to the Spencer Hill Press booth. A lot of people I knew from twitter worked there (Danielle, Lauren, Traci, Taryn, Britta) and Jeremy was actually signing because he designed the cover of one of their books. I spent a LOT of time at this booth over the course of three days. While I was there, my other friend Nicole found me and told me she was running to the signing line for Lauren Myracle's signing, so I tagged along.
After that was the Crown of Midnight line which was absolutely insane. I did meet Katie while on that line and she held my place while I ran over to Lauren Kate's line. As Lauren was signing my book, her publicist told me she knew my blog and has used my quotes on books before. She was the one responsible for my blurbs. I spent the rest of BEA swinging back by Random House's booth, trying to find her to chat with her, but I never succeeded. Still sad about that.
I then wandered on my own. I found the Romance Writers of America signing, which had Eloisa James, Sarah MacLean, Maya Rodale, and an author I wasn't familiar with. But I was big fans of the three I knew and I have no doubt I'll love the fourth book. Sarah MacLean also recognized me and we chatted a bit about how it's all her fault I'm reading historical romances.
I then lugged my tired self to Shake Shack around 4, an hour before the floor closed. I had a rolling suitcase and ordered a ton of fries and two drinks, one of which I'd finished before even getting off the subway because it was so hot and I was exhausted. It was also one of the shortest Shake Shack lines I'd ever been in, so I appreciate the universe for that gift.
I actually woke up on time Friday and was out the door on time, aka 8:30. This meant arriving at Javitz right around 9 as the floor opened. I checked my bag, let myself wander for a few moments, then hopped on Alethea Kontis's line. I then wanted to wander more, but had to get in line for Elizabeth Wein. I babbled like an idiot at that poor woman.
I then wandered some more. It was around 11:15 and I wanted to get in line for Rainbow Rowell to sign my Fangirl ARC that I'd brought back to the floor, just for her signing. Unfortunately, that line was WAY crazy, so I handed my ARC off to Jeffrey and continued on my way. I wanted to get on Simone Elkeles's line, but it was way crazy and I only had until 12. There was no way I'd make it on time. So I wandered a bit more, then went to find my way to the Penguin Fire and Ice Lunch.
I met with Anna and Jamie, who were also not totally sure where to go to find this place. When we walked in, I immediately found Nicole in line to grab the lunches. We both picked up a box then headed to where she'd already scouted seats. We were right by the front and Liz was sitting next to me. We'd met briefly earlier in the day at the Disney booth, but it was nice to chat a bit more.
I then half-ran back up to the floor to get in line for Victoria Schwab signing as V.E. Schwab. The line was already wrapped around 4 times. I was jumping in and out of the line, always finding someone to see. I got to hug Tahereh Mafi as she made her way to her line and met Gretchen McNeil. I eventually did get to the front of the line, but I heard they ran out of books. While I was there, I got my Fangirl ARC back. I also had Nicole run over to pick up one of J. Lynn/Jennifer Armentrout's next New Adult while I was on the Vicious line, which she was super nice and did for me. We then went to drop books in my suitcase and she decided to head out.
I spent the rest of the day wandering. I picked up a couple of books and met some lovely people and publicists. I left again around 4 and stopped in a 7-11, thinking it'd hold me over, but then found a Burger King that I sat in and ate food and enjoyed the A.C. before heading back to the apartment.
The last day of BEA! It was a calmer day, definitely. I also had my Roommate come with me as a Power Reader, which was a pretty last minute decision. We started by going into a Dunkin' Donuts for a quick breakfast and bagels that I saved for later. The Power Reader bag she got was gigantic, having like 10 or 11 books in it. We then wandered and immediately walked into where they were handing out Lemony Snicket's new book and t-shirts. We both grabbed a book and a shirt. I sent my book to a Snicket superfan I've known for years and she sped through the first book so she could read that one. We also went by the Scholastic booth, where they were giving out a ton of things all morning. She grabbed a BEA Buzz Book sampler and I grabbed a book as well. We both got I Read YA totes because...come on. (It's actually the ONLY tote I came home with. I had one other one, but I gave it to a friend.)
We wandered a bit more and she was kind of terrified. I brought her over to the Spencer Hill booth so she could meet people I knew. We continued circling the floor and eventually the signing area. I read out some of the description for books and we ended up getting in Kelsey Sutton's line because she was intrigued. We then wanted to sit and happened to sit in the line for Gennifer Albin's ALTERED, where Vania was sitting. So Roommate collected herself and we rested and I chatted with Vania. Once we got into the real line-up area, Roommate realized that she didn't really want this book and hopped over to Amy Tintera's line for Reboot. I finished first and she asked if I could go see if there were any more Fangirl ARCs so she wouldn't steal mine (since I was reading it). They didn't, but they DID have champagne, so I grabbed glasses for both of us. She was almost done in line, so I waited with her. While standing near her, the line for J. Lynn's New Adult title with Harper started up, so I grabbed a copy for myself.
Once Roommate was done, we went and got more champagne, did another lap around the floor, then sat in a corner and ate bagels and organized again. We sat until I decided to get in line for Cora Carmack and that line was seriously crazy. It was wrapped around almost 4 times by time I got on almost an hour early. My roommate sat near the line, then moved to the Power Reader's lounge at my suggestion to get some food/drinks/real chairs for herself. The line seemed to take forever, but I did finally get my copy.
We spent the rest of the day just doing laps. I picked up another book, plus took one from Roommate's Power Reader bag that she didn't want. She dropped a couple of other titles she didn't want and we sat, charging our phones. I did another lap around 3, but most of the books I wanted to stop by were already closed, didn't look close to closing, or only seemed to have adult stuff left. So we left and got tickets for Star Trek. We sat in a Dunkin' Donuts and ate donuts, then went to see the movie. On our way back to the apartment, we picked up ice cream to cope with our Star Trek feelings...and our hunger.
"But Julie," you say. "BEA ended. What else could you POSSIBLY have to say?" Well friends, I live in NYC. So I didn't have to miss the signing that happened at Books of Wonder on Sunday. All of the authors had been at BEA, so I hadn't tried to find them at all during the conference. The signing was crazy packed, mostly with teenagers, and the authors were funny and lovely.
We met up with Adam and the girl I can't remember left. We then continued to Sixteen Handles for some frozen yogurt and more chatting.
Finally, we all separated. Elena, Mitali and I walked up to Times Square so Mitali could catch her bus and Elena and I could catch our subways. We just managed to beat out the rain storm that started later that night.
SO, that was my entire BEA week. I spent Monday and Tuesday barely moving, only going out for a post office and grocery store run. I am now sleeping in a real bed now because I got a fan on Monday and it's been cool since then.
BEA Takeaway
- Holy Crap that was so much fun.
- I require more chatting time.
- I was disappointed in the lack of books that were just out to ask about. I feel like that was a lost opportunity to introduce booksellers, press, bloggers, etc. to new titles.
- I was also kind of annoyed at the number of in-booth signings, especially for major authors like Marie Lu, Richelle Mead, David Levithan, etc. It made it nearly impossible to talk to any publicists.
- Most of the publicists were lovely, but there were definitely some who didn't feel like talking and made me feel unwelcome. Maybe it's because I had a blogger badge? I dunno. It was always sad when I came across one of those booths.
- Our badges should really have our twitter handles. We made badges at Teen Author Carnival with just our name and our twitter handle, so I wore that badge to BEA and that's how a lot of people recognized me. They knew my twitter handle and then could connect me with the little square box. If BEA doesn't do this, I recommend making one to anyone going to bookish conferences.
- It's nice to want to be dressed up, but if you're like me and recently lost your only broken-in pair of nice shoes, wear sneakers. My feet were KILLING me from the one day I didn't wear them.
- The Javitz will be freezing when it's hot out. SO FREEZING. Layers are your friend. Check a bag if only to drop an extra sweater in their when you're leaving.
- Bloggers are lovely, lovely people. Seriously. Every single blogger I met was fantastic and funny and sweet.
- So are authors. They were all so wonderful and happy to chat and I kind of feel bad that we can't chat more at BEA signings.
- I'm doing this again every year that I can, exactly as I did it. I managed to split line time and signings pretty evenly. And I'm happy with the experience I had.
- روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل من هنا
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة من هنا
كيف تحصل على مدونة جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات من هنا شاهد قناة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بألاف المواضيع والمشاركات على اليوتيوب لمزيد من الشرح من هنا رابط مدونة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات في أي وقت حــــتى لو تم حذفها من هنا شاهد صفحة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بألاف المواضيع والمشاركات على الفيس بوك لمزيد من الشرح من هنا تعرف على ترتيب مواضيع منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات (حتى لا تختلط عليك الامور) من هنا
ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.
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